10 - 8 - 21


When I was thinking of starting a blog and reflecting on what I would share, there were a handful of people who showed their unconditional support. Family, friends, my incredible boyfriend, former coaches, and teammates (many of whom are pictured above)… people who keep making the pass.

If you know her, it is not a surprise that Kristin - or “Gobbi” as she’s more affectionately known - is one of my biggest supporters. Rachel - or “Rocky” as she’s more affectionately known - is right there too. As teammates of mine for 4 years, they’ve been a constant presence in my life for almost 8 years (my goodness… has it really been that long??) They are some of my closest friends and I am immensely grateful lacrosse brought us together. I will scream it from the mountain tops until my last day, lacrosse has brought me some truly incredible people - but don’t worry, more on that to come. And while our playing days are now a memory instead of a reality, Kristin and Rocky keep making the pass. When it comes to being good teammates and friends, they stop at nothing to make you feel loved and appreciated, seen and heard. I feel incredibly lucky to know her and love her as a person.

So when I finally decided to take the leap, to start The Assist, I thought “well when is the best time to drop this? When will the world be ready?” It was mid-September when I decided to do this for real, instead of just talking about it. But I wanted the date to be significant, to symbolize what The Assist is all about…

Being me, I started thinking, jotting down ideas, piecing the puzzle together. It didn’t take long for me to pick the 8th day of the month. I was # 8 for over half my lacrosse career; it was my number for softball (and maybe even my number during my one season of flag football - my mom may be able to answer that one for you). The number 8 is as much a part of my identity as The Assist… Okay cool, so why not Friday, October 8th, 2021? 

10 - 8 - 21

I wrote the date on my page of notes. Goosebumps covered my body and a smile spread its way across my face. God and The Universe made the pass this time, that’s the only explanation I can come up with…

Kristin was #10.

Rocky was # 21.

And while I started this blog in part to help me remember some of my fondest memories, the inspiration comes from a long list of amazing people I came to know through lacrosse, Kristin and Rocky being two of them; but so many names and faces flood my mind - like I said, more on them to come! They are why I started The Assist. They embody what the art of The Assist means to me. They are the type of people I want you, as a reader, to think of when you read pieces from The Assist. They understand the power of The Assist. They live The Assist in their daily lives, much like I do.

Kristin will keep making the pass. 

Rocky will keep making the pass.

10 - 8 - 21

So if you’re reading this and it’s October 8th, 2021 - welcome and thank you for joining me along this journey. I am excited to share pieces of my heart with you. If you stumble onto this and October 8th, 2021 is long gone, I hope you are smiling the way I did when I realized God and The Universe made this pass to me.

Keep making the pass.  
