The Goldfish with the Scrapbook

 The Goldfish with the Scrapbook.

I’ve recently been watching Ted Lasso, shout-out to AppleTV for putting together such a great show with so many quotable moments. One of my favorite quotes happens early on in the show. 

“You know what the happiest animal on earth is? 

It’s a goldfish, you know why?

Got a 10-second memory. 

Be a goldfish, Sam” 

Throughout my time as an athlete, many coaches stressed to me the importance of “short term memory” and “moving on to the next play”. They were definitely onto Ted Lasso’s goldfish philosophy. 

As someone who battles anxiety, this wasn’t (and isn’t) easy for me. After games and sometimes even practices, I would struggle to focus or sleep. 

Replaying a missed pass in my head - I should have followed through more. 

Envisioning a shot of mine blocked - I needed to fake first. 

Imagining a missed groin ball - I should have gotten lower. 

I had (and have) some of these thoughts on my personal life, my workouts, my work, my relationship with my partner - Malik, my connections with family, and even my friendships. 

I should have… 

I could have… 

I would have…

A goal of mine this year is to be more like a goldfish. Hindsight is 20-20. And in any given moment, experience, or scenario, I did the very best that I could with what I had. 

I did the very best that I could with what I had.

However, I believe in the value of reflection. Some moments are worth reevaluating. (Notice I didn't say dwelling on or brooding over.) But there are past situations worth revisiting because there’s value in our moment-to-moment experience — we couldn’t be in this moment where we are right now without where we were 5 minutes ago… 

5 days ago…

5 months ago…

5 years ago... 

The situations we go through shape our interactions with others. They offer us the ability to connect with and assist others. They are the foundation of who we are. 

So for me, an even more fitting goal is to be The Goldfish with the Scrapbook — Carrying the memories and experiences that got me to this point while allowing myself the grace to continue to learn and grow. 

Keep making the pass.
